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Course Schedule


start end topic
09:00 09:40 Welcome coffee (optional)
09:40 10:30 What is FAIR and why do I care?
10:30 10:40 Break!
10:40 12:00 Planning and designing a FAIR training
12:00 13:15 Lunch!
13:15 14:30 How to host your training
14:30 14:40 Break!
14:40 15h40 Training material formats and interoperability
15:40 15:50 Break!
15:50 16:35 Training material formats and interoperability
16:35 17:00 Wrap up of day 1
19:00 late Course dinner!


start end topic
09:00 10:00 Acknowledgements, a comprehensive perspective
10:00 10:15 Break!
10:15 11:15 Put on your producer hat: considerations for FAIR video material
11:15 12:00 Metadata and Findabilty
12:00 13:15 Lunch!
13:15 14:10 Metadata and Findabilty
14:10 15:00 Releases and use of unique identifiers
15:00 15:15 Break!
15:15 16:00 Releases and use of unique identifiers
16:00 16:40 Show and tell
16:40 17:00 Wrap up

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