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Setting up a new repository

Creating a new repository

Create a new repository from the template

In your web browser, browse to the ( repository on GitHub. Click the green Use this template button on the top right.

In the pop-up window:

  1. Choose an organisation where the repository will be hosted (typically elixir-europe-training)
  2. Enter a name for the new repository (keep in mind that this will be part of the URL)
  3. Decide if the repository should be Public (most likely) or Private
  4. Make sure to tick Include all branches
  5. Click Create repository from template

Add collaborators

Go to settings and select Collaborators and teams under Access in the left side menu

  1. Click one of the green buttons add people or add teams
  2. Select a person or a team to invite
  3. Selet the appropriate role
  4. Click add user to this repository

Update the

  1. Go to the <> Code tab and click the file
  2. Add information about the new ELIXIR Lesson.

Using github actions to deploy gh-pages

Go to settings and select pages in the left side menu

  1. click on Noneunder Branch and select the gh-pages branch
  2. press Save

When the site is deployed, it will take a few minutes, a box on top will display the url to the live site.

Go to settings and select Actions -> General in the left side menu

  1. at the top under Actions permissions check the option “Allow all actions and reusable workflows”
  2. scroll down to Workflow permissionsand check the options “Read and Write permissions” + “Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests”

Add URL to About section of the repository

  1. Go to the <> Code tab and click the Aboutsettings wheel on the right side
  2. In the pop-up Edit repository details:
    1. tick the Use your GitHub Pages website to automatically fill the Website URL
    2. press Save changes

Update site name, repository name and url in the mkdocs.yml file

  1. Go to the <> Code tab and edit the mkdocs.yml file
  2. Update the site_name tag at the top of the file to the name of your lesson.
  3. Update the Repository section with the respective repo_nameand repo_url of the lesson you have just created.