Step 4: Identify TOPICS and STAGES
What is this step about?
- ensures that the chosen areas of the LP are populated with a comprehensive range of topics needed for a complete and well-strutured LP
- define the stages (level of knowledge and skills) the target audience is expected to have in the topics before engaging with the LP
- ensure that the topics and stages are designed to progressively build on existing knowledge while teaching new skills effectively
What are TOPICS and STAGES?
- topics refer to more granular subjects within area(s)
- topics have no clearly defined borders between each other (EDAM)
- stages form an evidence-based developmental trajectory of increasing cognitive complexity
Why do we need to identify TOPICS and STAGES?
- to identify the content of each lesson and collection of lessons
- to describe the relationship between each lesson, where there is overlap
- to help identify learning outcomes (step 6).
How do we identify TOPICS and STAGES?
- Break down the broad area into smaller topics
- For each topic define corresponding stages of knowledge/skills (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
Use-case example