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TeSS is a one-stop shop for trainers and trainees to discover online training related information and content.

What can you do with TeSS

For training providers, TeSS provides opportunities to promote training events and news; for trainers, the portal offers an environment for sharing materials and event information; for trainees, it offers a convenient gateway via which to identify relevant training events and resources.

Our mission

TeSS was originally developed as part of ELIXIR, Europe’s distributed infrastructure for life-science data. One of the goals of ELIXIR is to train research scientists to better use available computational infrastructures to address critical research questions. This requires access both to face-to-face training opportunities and to disparate training materials and resources, currently dispersed across Europe.


  • wider promotion of training events
  • better sharing of materials and event information
  • easier identification of relevant training events and resources

Resource licenses





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